Items for sale


New member
Been awhile since I've posted on ReefCentral. Where is everybody at?

Anyway, I'm taking down my 125g and have some things to get rid of:

1. 6' Maristar® 3 x 250 watt HQI "“ 4 x 39 watt T5
w/ 3 Single Galaxy Ballasts, T5, and Metal Halide Bulbs. Fixture is probably 5 years old and has been discontinued but it still works great. - $200

2. Bubble King Mini 180 Gen 2 - it was working up until about a week ago when the pump quit. Not sure if the pump is bad or it just needs a cleaning. Beast of a skimmer though. - $100

3. Tunze Turbelle Stream 6105 Controllable. I have 2 of these asking $50 per.

Thanks for reading,