Jabo's 100 shallow reef build


New member
Well it has come time for an upgrade. I thought I should share my build/misery with the rest. Very excited hope all works out as planned.

I ordered a GC 100 gallon 36x37x18 tank. I will paint the back black when it arrives hopefully in a week or so. The overflow will be along the back wall, centered of course.

I am ATTEMPTING TO BUILD A STAND myself. It may turn into a very large and expensive pile of fire wood.

All the rock and livestock will be transferred from my 70 tall that is still up and running. Hope you enjoy and I will update as progress aloows.

Thoughts and suggestions welcomed!

The frame built and with a nice coat of Kilz


Hey dummy measure your doors before you build your stand. It wouldnt fit so I took off the bottom plate and slid it in sideways.


Now that's funny right there....

uh oh. i hope the tank fits in the door.
And... Ah... The TANK you can turn on it's side....... UNLESS of course you carry it in full of water. :p

I'd also "butter-up" all those exposed screw heads with caulk, to keep them from corroding. (Doesn't look like they were painted.)

Love the Tank shape!
man I can't wait to upgrade my tank I got a 55g I'm new to the hobby started about in sep. of 2010 and am ready to get another tank just stuck on what size im thinking 225 or sum like that
man I can't wait to upgrade my tank I got a 55g I'm new to the hobby started about in sep. of 2010 and am ready to get another tank just stuck on what size im thinking 225 or sum like that

Nah man up better go with a 500 gal plus. I got a 225 nd am already outta room for corals.
Making a little progress, slow going because I have to finish the stand in the kitchen floor! *BUILD NOTE* This does not make the wife happy!

Purchased a sump yesterday and with a few mods should have it installed this week. My new light will ship tomorrow and I ordered the SWC 160 extreme cone skimmer last night.Cant wait to get everything up and going.

I am hoping to pick up the tank next week and the fun will begin.


Man you better hurry up and get that out of the kitchen or you won't be living to come pick up these hornets. LOL. Looking good!
This is all your fault....If i wasnt jealous of your new tank I could have just stuck to my old set up!!!
Small update. Still waiting on the tank. The light and skimmer will be here tomorrow. I Siliconed the last mod (leak) on the sump today and it is ready to go. I put some poly on the stand tonight and all that is left is the door and it will be ready for the tank. Oh yeah, trim but I am waiting until I set the tank for that. I want to be able to get it exact and I need the tank there for that.

If you notice the marine grade plywood in the bottom of the stand has a gap at each corner. I put a shower lining under the stand for any unforeseen spilage. I added a small shim in the middle so any water that spills will drain to the corners.

*build note* Finishing your stand in the kitchen floor that was too large to fit the door is not near as bad as stinking up your house with poly while the wife is away. Wife's opinion of course!!!




I used the "wrong side of the oak plywood on purpose. I am not thrilled that it kind of looks like cheap plywwod but I have natural floors and cabinets in my house and I thought it looked better than the red side.
Have you considered coating the ply with some epoxy to seal it from the saltwater? I don't know how cost prohibitive it would be (I get my epoxy for free), but it's just an idea.

BTW, can't wait to see glass on it!
Well I can pick up the new tank Wednesday!! the stand is ready to go ( I HOPE) and the light is hung. All that is left is some plumbing and I can start transferring everything over to the new set up.


There is a graphic sign shop in dickson as well that sells those vinyl cling type stickers and you can get them in black/blue which I find would be easier than painting your tank so if ever down the road you can resell it to anybody, not just somebody that wants it the color you painted it.
We have GLASS!!! Made a long trip today and picked up the tank. Just for the record, it was fun to get thru the door!!!!

There are a lot of negative reviews and posts out there about Glass Cages. Well if have to say, if mine will hold water, I will be more than pleased with it. I have to admit that I was nervous in the beginning but thought I would give them a shot.The craftsmanship is better than I could have hoped, their service has been second to none, and they even finished the tank in less time than promised. I have never had a tank built anywhere else but for $465 I dont think you can go wrong with this set up. Their staff has been more than helpful and believe me I sent plenty of emails and made a ton of calls. Just a good word for anyone considering them in the future.

Here are a few pictures of the seams and tank less water. Maybe a few more shots this weekend, hopefully with water!!




she is not looking good!!!

she is not looking good!!!

Well I had a chance today to move everything over. So far so good (one small leak but I will fix that tonight). Hopefully the water will clear up a little more tonight and I can move my corals to the new tank. I found a way to not have to worry about over flow from power failures. Buy a SUPER SUMP, I think it may hold more than the aquarium.

I will update again tomorrow after the water clears a little.



