Jaebo wp25 and apex Q?


New member
I got my 25 on the group buy but it is too strong for my 21 gal tank.i have been researching hooking it upto my apex so that I can turn it way down,I bought a reef angel cable,my question is whether I need a vdm for the apex to make this work? I just bought the wxm at macna to control my vortech mp 10's which I am very happy with.if I have to buy the vdm I think I'll sell the jaebo and just buy another mp10
yeah you need a vdm. it's cool since you can control it via the apex. To control the mp10 it has to be wireless and you'll need the wxm module. However, the mp10 could just be set in 1 mode and left there. I had mine on reef crest 24/7.

What size tank do you have? I ordered a wp25 to replace an mp10 also. I hope I don't regret it. :fun5:
I have the wxm already running two wireless in my DT ,my new tank is 21 gal nano,I figure I could run one more mp10 in a low setting but still have the ability to change the modes,planning on a carpet anenome so I need good random flow
He said it is a 21 gallon not unless he has another one.

I have the wxm already running two wireless in my DT ,my new tank is 21 gal nano,I figure I could run one more mp10 in a low setting but still have the ability to change the modes,planning on a carpet anenome so I need good random flow

I guess we were posting at the same time.
I have a wp25 in my biocube 29. its too strong unless you dial it down. I used this adjustable dimmer on the controller inline with the power supply, bought it on ebay and put this in the search bar DC 5V-24V 4A 48W LED Light Dimmer Adjustable. it dialed down the voltage on the jebao and it worked for me. Here's a pic
