JBWAVE keeps turning the pumps off.


Active member
Get guys,

So, at first I thought it was me, but it happened again today. I just got home and both RW-8 pumps were off. I waited a few minutes to see if they came on, but they never did. I logged into the app and connected to the JBWave and changed the speed of the pumps and they came on.

Had anyone seen something similar?

In concerned because this has happened twice now and I'm afraid it may kill some of my corals if I happen to miss it.

I'm also going on vacation soon and can't trust that this won't happen while I'm away.
If I remember correctly I read that if they drip below 30% then they stall out. So long as you keep the power above 30% you should be fine
That is crazy. They stall and never come back up? That is not what they advertised. I'll have to reach out to the manufacturer on this one. Thank you for the response.
+1, as I mentioned in the other post I was surprised one user was able to run at or below 30% as they stall. This is not advertised, I found it on an obscure post on their Facebook page.
I found the same issue. Must set min pump speed at 0 or something higher than 30, or the pumps will stall (not immediately). Zero works fine.
so I did a factory reset, just in case, and set the min at 30 to test this theory. We'll see what happens when I get home today. I'll keep you guys posted.
Update. The 30% min trick seems to work. I'm going to try the 0% min setting tomorrow while at work and report back. I can't believe these things stall at less than 30%. This is kind of an inconvenience for me.

They claim it can be adjusted from 0% to 100%, but it is more from 30% to 100%.
I suspect that anomonoly lies within the pump's motor, not the JB Wave. That would explain why the stock contollers start out somewhere around 50% power.
Ummm. Not really true. The stock controller goes from 10% to 100% in increments of 10%. I used to run them at 20% most of the time without issues, but wanted to have the ability to schedule the night time without depending on light.

I guess I'm stuck at 30% min.
I don't know about yours, but with my RW-4's, there's no way that the lowest setting on the controller (one light) is only 10% of the highest setting. Definitely closer to 40-50%.
Just in the best interest of educating the community.

The information below comes from the manufacturer and seller site under your model RW-4. I understand that these pumps feel much stronger than you would expect, but they do go down to the 10% range.

On the RW-4:
"The RW pumps can go down as low as 10% power, or 100 gal/hour, or as high as 100% power, or 1,000 gal/hour."

On the RW-8 (This is the one I have)
"The RW pumps can go down as low as 10% power, or 200 gal/hour, or as high as 100% power, or 2,000 gal/hour."

This is where I got it from.
I have a jbwave and was aware of the 30% suggestion. I have had it for at least a year, and had one instance where the pumps stopped working. I called the jbwave guy, or emailed him, I can't remember. He had me adjust the software in some simple measure and they have worked flawlessly ever sense. I agree, I thought it was scary and inconvenient, but after the quick fix and ongoing good results, I forgot all about it. My issue was not related to the pumps trying to operate under 30%, it was a software issue.