Joes Juice


I have had several majono anenomes which I have just removed by taking part of the rock out. I have one now on a large rock. I do have Joes Juice. Some one told me not to use it as the anenome will burst and seed the tank. Is this a reef forum legend?

thanks in advance
I used a hypodermic needle and lemon juice on my apstasia and that took care of thosel, Joes juice did not work for me. Never heard about them exploding and seeding the tank.
I ran into some one at a pet store who said it hapened to them. I have used Joe's Juice before with out a problem but I don't want to puch my luck. I don't want shrimp in the tank if I can help it. I may just take the rock out and treat it that way and put it back.
I have taken 2 part epoxy and just plugged the hole they live in, works great.

I will give it a try tonight. I have a big chunk of it. When I first saw those things, I thought they were cool zooanthids.