Joining the club (220 gal on order)


New member
Will be moving up from a 90 gal. to a 220 gal. in the next two weeks, I'll keep you posted, but I am excited to be moving up the large reef area. If you saw my post on the reef discussion I have a seal problem that will necessitate moving to a new tank anyway, now I get to join the big leagues! :)


90 gal. reef.
I look forward to following along, as I just picked up......and boy is my back killing me.... my 220 gal Oceanic starphire (to be a reef tank) to replace my 92 gal FOWLR corner tank.

All I can say is DAMN it is BIG. Good Luck w/ your project, - Fred
Tank delivered! The plan is to custom build the sump into a 5' sump with the Sequence Dart as the pump. Current tank pics with the 220 sitting in my garage are at the plan is to get 3 more drains to the fuge drilled then move the tank in. We're hoping for an install next weekend!
Sorry I didn't update as the build happened, the build and move was completed in two days and there just wasn't time to post the images as it happened. Here's some pictures chronologically, as best I can remember.

Tank sitting next to the old tank:

The sump/fuge was custom built into the stand on site, it is approximately 80 gallons and takes up 5 of the 6 feet of the width of the stand.

Stuff before it was installed: plumbing, phosban reactors, skimmer is an ASM G3 which was later also joined by my Deltec APF-600 from the old tank.
Pump partially plumbed in, it is a Sequence DART.

Return lines plumbed in

Sand and base rock going in, note that's not me in the picture, I had help from a local professional on this build.
You're probably wondering where my other tanks livestock is?

Just before water was added

Sandstorm after filling
More pictures to come once they're uploaded later today. My livestock was able to go into the new tank the same night it was filled, the sandstorm had receded to the point of just cloudy. I lost no livestock in the move though it took a leap of faith on my part to move them into a 100 gallon stock tank for a few hours. I was able to maintain temp and water movement the whole time. Water parameters stayed good through the whole move and since (the tank has been running for 2 weeks now). Water parameters as of yesterday:

NH3 0 (never rose above 0)
NO2 0 (never rose above 0)
NO3 5
PO4 0 (dropped from 0.3 to 0)
Sal 1.024
PH 8.2
Temp 77
ORP 403
DO 6.9
