July 25Th Turtle Night

Rogger Castells

New member
I must say this was one of the best events I have been to, my kids were talking about the turtles the whole way home! (Not trilling).
The little turtles we got to see heading into the ocean really made me have a whole different prospective of this animals, I guess I will never look at a turtle again in the same way when I see them diving.
I really felt privileged to have been able to witness this event and I want to thank the club for this opportunity.
Here are some Pics
Some of the member having a nice time before the event


The turtle curators gave us a fun & informative presentation

This are the little cages that hold the turtles when they emerge from the sand

This was the fun part for the kids

little turtles in the buquet right before they were set free

My kids having a blast

this on the way of been release, no pics were allowed from this point on
lol, the reason was that if the little turtles see the flashes of the cameras they could get confuse and start heading in the wrong direction, so actually someone had to stand in the water with a flaslight pointing at the release area for the little ones to start heading that way.
It is incredible how fast they push them self to the water.
I didn't see anything, but couldn't stop from thinking that by now the fishes probably know better to be waiting on this beach at night!