July Frag Swap with STARS club


New member
Hello guys and gals, my name is Erik and I am the Treasurer of STARS. As some of you might know, Members of our club will be out in your neck of the woods at the end of July. We will be taking a tour of the albuquerque aquarium. I was wondering if any of the members of NewMACS were interested in a meet and greet followed by a frag swap. Please let me know if you are interested so I can get my club members to get together and assemble a club frag list.

Thank You

Sounds like fun. Would like to meet everyone and exchange a few frags. Do you want us to pm you a list of what we can frag or list it here? thanks
I think it's a great idea and hope people join in :-D I can't commit 100% till I know what's happening with housing.
Looks like Miami Hurricane (or similar). I can't for the life of me get mine to get the grey/blue base. well..I did for a while but that was only for a couple months after I got the frag from someone (it is the real thing).
So i do not have have a lot of stuff to frag. This is what I have, multiple types of mushrooms, red monti, green apple monti, frogspawn and hammer. Maybe able to get a small frag of war coral or superman monti by the end of july. Also have some sort of green zoas i have not id yet. Also have some green bay packers, a few jokers, tubb blues, and possible can frag my candy apple red zoas. This is the one in my avatar. thanks
Hey Eric, are you going to frag that awesome looking chalice in your avatar?:bounce3::bounce2:

The chalice on my avatar is a Tyree Mummy Eye Chalice. There are peopple in line for when I frag it, but I will try to frag it. Im still looking through my stock to see what I will be able to frag. I will post as soon as I start fragging.
For all you fraggers: Please frag your coral at least 1 week before hand to allow the coral time to heal. Fresh cut frags have high mortality rates. Lets keep our awesome corals alive and healthy to spread the diversity around :-D
For all you fraggers: Please frag your coral at least 1 week before hand to allow the coral time to heal. Fresh cut frags have high mortality rates. Lets keep our awesome corals alive and healthy to spread the diversity around :-D
+1 go for two weeks but thats a personal opinion
Ok guys ive been looking @ my tank and it looks like I will have some
Tyree neon green toadstool
Incredible hulk Zoa
Fire and Ice Zoa
Green Stripe mushroom
Purple mushroom
Green mushroom
Green Star Polyp
Blue ricordea
Green ricordea
Pulsating Xenia
Kenya tree
yellow fiji leather

I still havent fraged anything so let me know if you are interested so I can start fragging
Assuming there is interest I am able to bring 15 to 20 colorful blue/pink center zoa mini-colonies, 3 or 4 large leather coral colonies, red montipora chunks, and maybe pieces bright green chalice with pink eyes. Since my setup is getting over grown I am most interested in selling these for a reasonable price. Is it possible for someone to get a frag tank setup with lights for this meeting?
I think the spirit of a swap is to swap and not sell :) If you are looking to sell, you might have good luck starting a for sale thread.

As for setting up a tank with lights, I assume you want to put the corals under water and in light to see what they look like. Because of "coral STDs" (and other water quality issues) I'd highly recommend against that and just encourage people to bring LED flashlights etc. If I'm wrong, I'd be interested in hearing more :)
Tony, sounds good to me. The only swaps I have been to were in Denver. At those ones everyone sold stuff and I didn't realize there was a "no selling" rule down here. I will still plan to bring a few things to trade.
It isn't that there is a rule, just that it might benefit all to keep the swap stuff about the swap and sales in a sale thread. It will also bring your sales more attention if you have your own thread :) I've seen side sales happen all the time at swaps and wish you luck with yours!

(just making suggestions and not rule enforcing :P)
I fragged some twilight pink tonight and will frag some Purple People Eaters this weekend. here is a picture of them. They are paly's and are very big. Some are bigger than a quarter in size.
