Just got in from Saltwater U Two


New member
All I can say for now is it was absolutely amazing!!! I have pictures and will load them in a bit. With over 74 It'll be a while still. That an I'm pretty bushed.
OK, so things have gotten hectic here since I got in. Sorry for the delays. Photobucket takes forever to load pics and some of them dont come across.
Heres what I have sofar:

A nice view of the Olympic Memorial thingy with the aquarium in the background.

Another view of the park. In the distance (where the crane is) there will be the Coke-a-Cola museum. Immediately next to he Georgia Aquarium. Wee.

And who are these people? Borneman and Calfo. Calfo is fragging a RBTA!

Fenner here. The Hawaiian shirts were the hip fashion.

In the room with the fraging demo was this set-up. Really nice corals at great prices!

20+ foot whale shark! And they have two! This was taken in the 100' tunnel. I walked the first time and kept stepping on people. There is a conveyor belt also. I rode it the second time.

Thats all I got loaded so far. Check back though. I got 70+ pictures and man, loading them is really crappy. I even got a video of the stingray school swimming straight at me. Man its an odd/beautiful sight. I'll get that one on here eventually.
Looks like Martin Moe behind Bob Fenner and I've seen Fenner a number of times and he's always in a Hawaiian shirt. I think it's the same shirt.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7389661#post7389661 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by boofer
How was the turn out? From the pics it looks pretty dead.
There was a lot of people there for the aquarium alone. As for the conference, i really don't know. I didn't usually see the same people twice.