Ive used plenty of epoxy on my corals. Infact, all of them! Superglue alone doesnt hold longterm, I've found. Epoxy moves too.. so it's a toss up.
At any rate, for the rack I used eggcrate (light diffusor, so check in the flourescent lighting/kitchen area) and zip ties. Then I just used needle nose pliers to "cut" the thing to size (just twist each little bridge apart to make the eggcrate the size you want).
As far as epoxy, Aquamend is what I use.
Let the corals get used to your water, lighting, flow, etc. before you mount them with that epoxy.
Let me add: the epoxy never gets hot in my hands. I've molded it and mushed it for 5-10 minutes as I position things, and I never felt any warmth, let a lone significant HEAT.