just rambling on


In Memoriam
Got home today and decided to test my water since it was the first time I've seen my lights on in about a week...

calcium 420
KH- 4! need to work on this one
nitrates 0
phosphates 0
ph- 8.3

also added a picture mandarin (small guy) and 3 peppermint shrimp to help out as I lost my previous guys months ago and notice some small aptasia starting to appear. Now all i got to do is figure out when i'm going to have some time to get this stupid canopy built, order my new lights, and get the water changed.

I'm guessing my Hardness is so very low because I'm well overdue for some new water and its prolly used up most of my magnesium/stronium as well.... stupid giant clams and acros :)
thats not bad ... my dKH is registering really low with my redsea test kit ... i was able to upp the calcium by about 50 to around 350-375 ... still need to get it up ... i'll dose tomorrow morning again.
yea its not bad but i really want my corals to start getting more color and can't figure out why they don't with my levels all checking out so good. I've got no nutrients in there
ditch the damn MHs & get some T5s .. ;-)

scott is here .. we're all having a good time .. too bad you didn't want to join us.