just saying hi

NYReefNoob, how's it going man, long time? How's the tank doing? We had some great discussions back in the day.

finally got bored of sps and went back to zoa's. tanks good and pretty much other then water changes once a month it is on auto pilot. lol the benifit of a mature tank i guess. i scanned through alot of the post and seems not much has changed. glad to see your still around
Sounds great man. Yes....nothing like a mature system that is well maintained as it definitely helps in regulating parameters.

Yes....it depends on which changes you're referencing though.

On the contrary I'm not around much .....and I seldom if ever post anymore. I'm focusing on my reefing projects and mentoring a group of 10 young reefers.

Good luck with the tank and best wishes on its success my friend.
