Just set up my new 180 and need HELP!!


Active member
Hello, I just set up my new 180 gallon tank and was up until 4am last night. Tore down my 90 for my new 180!
Now I have a BIG problem. The new 180 gallon is LOUD! Its a 6ft with a center overflow. I have a durso that brings the water line up to about 3/4 of the overflow but its freakin loud. It sounds like a waterfall.
To make it worse, the drain going to my pump is make a huge goggle sound...I tried to extend the pipe down to below the sock line (under the water) but its still bad.
Please help me with some suggestions on how to quite this tank. My wife is getting mad.
I didn't do the complete mod, but I did the "airline in the cap" mod using RO/DI line. It really quited my tank down a ton. I can make the overflow silent. I adjust it by pushing the line up or down in the cap.
do u have a stand pipe or a durso? You should get a waterfall effect w/ a durso unless you have it to far below the water line. Raise the pipe up more

pics would make it easier to tell u how to fix ur plumbing
I drilled a 1/4" hole into a cap in my durso and I stuck a section of RO/DI into the hole and kept pushing down until the overflow was completely silent.

I tried it on a friends tank and it worked there as well. I would probably never have an overflow pipe without that mod.
How deep this mod. go down in the Durso/Stockman pipe, is it maybe going submerged in the water column in the pipe?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7206226#post7206226 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by boris MAC
How deep this mod. go down in the Durso/Stockman pipe, is it maybe going submerged in the water column in the pipe?

I haven't tried it, but I believe the it is no deeper than a typical Stockman.

As far as the RO/DI line mod goes, yes that gets pushed down quite far. Mine is something like 4" below the overflow teeth.
Could this be done regular Stockman design, water to enter not from top? Only modification to be a RO lne downward?
I belive so. I use it on a durso. Conceptually, it's simple. The RO/DI line allows air to enter the overflow to break the vacuum caused by the downpipe. the RO line introduces the air below the waterline to eliminate gurgling.

Oh yeah, hipertec, you need to raise the drain pipe. Try to make the middle of the durso elbow 1/2" below the overflow teeth. That will stop the waterfall.
thank you tacocat. I will try the RO tube also.
How about the drain to the sump? I am getting a loud guggle
An alternative to using a large pump for your sump is to use a pump around 300gph only as your sump return. Less noise from water running throught the overflow like a toilet, less wattage, less heat transfer & head-loss from the sump return pump, boosted skimmer performance, etc.

Dursos and Stockman standpipes can eliminate most of the noise, but not all of it, as water accelerates as it free-falls in the pipes, it loses pressure, sucking in air...so no matter what, you will end up with bubbles. The only way to control it 100% is to make the ratio of the pipe diameter : throughput of water higher...2" drainpipe and the like...or, simply lower the gph running through the overflow. (Or, eliminate as much difference in height from the sump & tank's water levels...the less drop = less air educted)

A small 300gph pump would be plenty, or, if you want a little more, a 600gph-ish pump is plenty, but will allow your overflow to shut-up.
Most people never consider the noise factor when upgrading to larger tanks. Bigger pumps and more overflow equals more noise. You could place your external pumps in DIY sound proof boxes if you like. To decrease water return noise, you could also add longer PVC pipes to your return sump with tees, to prevent the crashing water /waterfall noise.