just some pics


just a couple of shroom pics



That's not a shroom, that's a cleaner shrimp! =P Just kidding. Nice lookin shrooms you got there. They'll look real nice when they split a few times and start carpetting the rocks.
wow.. and all this time I thought I just had a regular cleaner shrimp, unknown it was a mushroom. That shroom moves around a lot, maybe I should try tieing it to a rock I like :p
a few new ones i got there just babies



does anyone know how i can attach a couple of shroom frags to that big rock on the left side where the copper banded butterfly is on the pic . i kinda want them to go up that little side any ideas

does anyone know how i can attach a couple of shroom frags to that big rock on the left side where the copper banded butterfly is on the pic . i kinda want them to go up that little side any ideas

dez [/B]

Epoxy should work if there still attached to the rock.
You can probably use the fishing line and needle method where you put it through the sides of the shroom and then tie it to the rock that way.

Or hold it lightly against the rock for a week with bridal veil.