Keep a look out for a used tank for me.


Active member
I have been thinking of setting up another tank. My 200g is old and has many old fish, coral and very large anemones. My second tank is a old 58g Oceanic. Which I have been keeping sea horses and pipe fish.(kind of boring but cool).

I am a big fan of sps. I used to be able to keep them with no problem. I used to grow them so good back in the day. I used to sell and give away large chunks. What you guys call frags now. When I was cleaning my tank and bumped into a colony and broke off a two or three inch piece. I would throw it in the trash. Ask Nick and Romel.

Anyway, I'm looking to set up a small SPS tank. No fish, no anemones. Just the coral. Looking for something small but not nano. Maybe a 60g cube or I was thinking about a 75g at the largest.

What sucks is at the frag swap there are very little vendors that carry SPS.
Plenty of sps to buy here locally. Unless you tie the tank into your system with fish you're going to have a hard time keeping sps. IMHO