Keep sps alive for a few days with no filtration?


New member
I have some sps that I need to QT. Can I put them in a frag tank, with heater and flow, kinda like a frag show set up, and keep them alive with constant large water changes?

I would to keep this up for about a week before putting them into an established system.

Some things I worry about

1. Ammonia build up w just sps and frag plugs?
2. Low ph?
3. Instability?

Any thoughts would be appreciated

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Yea I'll probably keep some ph buffer and measure alk regularly. I would think the frags would be relatively dormant and not use too much alk

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I run a frag tank with only marine pure as filtration. No skimmer but I do have a doser for alk and calcium. If it's only a small number of frags probably fine. The big issue is likely alk and calcium but again if the number of sps is truly small then probably little usage. I do 50% water change weekly in that tank. what I don't know is if in your new set up, will you have cycling issues. Certainly when shipping, corals do fine in a bag of saltwater. I don't know if cycling is a concern at frag shows or not.
When I was swapping tanks out because of a broken center brace, I kept my SPS in a Rubbermaid container for 3 days with just flow and heat. A couple of pieces browned out, but everything survived with no issues.
You don't "need" filtration, you NEED water of certain parameters. However you do it, if you maintain those ideal parameters it should work. Check Temp, alk, calcium, mag, flow, ph etc often and keep them as stable as possible. Large frequent water changes will work just fine, just make sure the new water matches the tank water.

Light acclimation between setups may just be the thorn on your side.

I miss keeping discus, I literally just did daily 100% water changes to get the best growth possible. After flopping on the bottom of an empty tank for 1-2min they'd be hungry as soon as the tank was half full, and on a few occassion laying eggs minutes after the tank was full, lol Matching the water was the key.