keeping a clam up right << how to?


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What do you put your maxima clams in to keep them upright? I just got one (I've had one before, and he did well). I think then I had a good shaped rock to hold him. this time I'm not so lucky. And I prefer to acclimate him on the sand first, I have a patch of sand in my otherwise bare bottom tank. I want to put him there at least for now b/c even most of my acros bleach when I put them much higher than the lower 1/3 of the tank (22"high tank) ap 700 light and a600 on either side 48" left to right, 24" front to back, 108 gallons. I have lights at 75%. Clam is about 2-3". I'll feed phyto as well.

**Back to the point, besides puttin him in the sand, is tehre some type of 'clam holder' to use? lol

I don't have a Maxima, but I have Tridacna clam. I was told you should try to elevate the clam on a concave-shaped rock. For me, I convinced the place I bought the clam if I could get a rock. The owner said: "Listen, I can't sell you live-rock by law, but there is a big aquarium over there full of live-rock...I am not going to look now, so just take a piece out that you like". I created a bridge-like structure and put that rock w/clam on that so it gets it off the sandbed. It has never fallen off although it does move around on this rock. He pretty much makes himself upright again if another fish happens to bump into him.

Also, when I first got him. I used some phtyoplankton, but now all I do is the glass magnet to rub the glass algae off. That seems to be adequate food source along with a strong LED light.

Here are a few places that might be able to get what you need:


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I don't have a Maxima, but I have Tridacna clam. I was told you should try to elevate the clam on a concave-shaped rock. For me, I convinced the place I bought the clam if I could get a rock. The owner said: "Listen, I can't sell you live-rock by law, but there is a big aquarium over there full of live-rock...I am not going to look now, so just take a piece out that you like". I created a bridge-like structure and put that rock w/clam on that so it gets it off the sandbed. It has never fallen off although it does move around on this rock. He pretty much makes himself upright again if another fish happens to bump into him.

Also, when I first got him. I used some phtyoplankton, but now all I do is the glass magnet to rub the glass algae off. That seems to be adequate food source along with a strong LED light.

Here are a few places that might be able to get what you need:

*thank you for those links, esp the first one :).. easy :)

What do you put your maxima clams in to keep them upright? I just got one (I've had one before, and he did well). I think then I had a good shaped rock to hold him. this time I'm not so lucky. And I prefer to acclimate him on the sand first, I have a patch of sand in my otherwise bare bottom tank. I want to put him there at least for now b/c even most of my acros bleach when I put them much higher than the lower 1/3 of the tank (22"high tank) ap 700 light and a600 on either side 48" left to right, 24" front to back, 108 gallons. I have lights at 75%. Clam is about 2-3". I'll feed phyto as well.

**Back to the point, besides puttin him in the sand, is tehre some type of 'clam holder' to use? lol


I use two part epoxy to make a little cup like holder, make it "fit" the cam ensuring he can open fully, then let it harden.

A healthy clam will drop its bysal thread within a week or so, then, he never coming off the rock.
I would have preferred a perfect rock, had to settle for rock augmented by epoxy, but I would recommend it. They can move quite a lot if you don’t gently fence them in.
The best way is to find an old clamshell of similar size. Pull it apart and place one half if the shell in the sand inside up. Put the clam in there. It will gradually bore into the shell, at which point you can move the shell to wherever you want and glue/epoxy it.
I put mine in the sand bed thinking I would move him later. He attached himself to the glass bottom and now that's where he is staying.