Kenya tree frags for sale, or trade


New member
Fragged my kenya tree about a month ago and mounted them and now there ready to go. Moved them back into one of the display tanks to get more flow and light. ill try to get pictures tonight. Price from 5-15 dollars depending on how many frags and the size. some are double an triple mounted. Also have a 3x3 rock with 2 frags of kenya tree and 2 diff zoo's mounted on it as well, that will be $20. anyone please feel free to pm me or call me at 954.471.5179. These are great starter corals and grow quickly and youll be fragging them youselves very soon.

As per request

As per request

Added two photos of the whole colony in the biocube. All these are frags from the original colony in the 75gall in the living room. also added a ruler for a bit of scale. They are more pink in actuallity but i didnt have time to mess with the white balance on the camera.
