Labeling Corals


New member
Does anyone know of an easy method to label corals? I am looking for a tag I can attach to the base and a waterproof ink/pencil that will not affect the water chemistry. Anyone have any knowledge of this?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12555481#post12555481 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JaredWaites
Just use a pencil to write on the bottom of frag plugs/discs. This works fine, that or sharpie...

The problem is that you would have to lift the frag for price etc. This is for the LFS I own. Just trying to find a better way than writing on the tanks. :)
we have tabs out side the the tanks with pictures of the coral and price, and we use pvc pipe for stands cut like 2 inches tall and set the corals in it or on top of it and mark the pipe with a number from a sharpie. On the wall we have the numbers and names of the corals along with price.
I have glued small plant tags for gardening on the back of plugs and used a marker to write on them. The problem I was having was the tag ends up shading the frag and they took up too much space on the racks.

I am in the same boat, having a challenge with lables. Just need a good way to price and lable the frags for display.
Use erasable ink and write it on the side of the tank. Have a number for each tank location - so you know which coral is in spot 1 - spot 2 etc.

List the number ( assigned to a locatoin in your tank ) and follow with coral name.