latest ricordia additions


In Memoriam
Love these.

These were about 15 on a rock. I fragged it and spread them around. They were brown and are coloring up quite nicely.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8576960#post8576960 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kiknchikn
Wow, very nice. Got any you can spare? :D

Sorry man, all spare ones go to me. Nice.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8579813#post8579813 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kiknchikn
I'll fight you for them! :blown:

Well i will race you to them. oops I win.
Those are great looking! the "brown" ones look like they might color up the same or even go to the hard to find red\pink hue..

Keep us updated with how they turn out!

Right now I have one thats looking a bit rainbowy but it hasn't seemed to decide on a color. For now we'll call it lavender lol
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8580091#post8580091 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisstie
Those are great looking! the "brown" ones look like they might color up the same or even go to the hard to find red\pink hue..

Keep us updated with how they turn out!

Right now I have one thats looking a bit rainbowy but it hasn't seemed to decide on a color. For now we'll call it lavender lol
Can you post a pic?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8578987#post8578987 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by discented
Sorry man, all spare ones go to me. Nice.
Hee, hee. Hah, hah. Ohh, hah, hah, hee, hee. That's a good one Pat. :lolspin:
Actually, here is a more acurate pic of the green looking yuma. I am figuring my camera out a little better.
The white balance is a little off in this one but lets see how it comes out (the lavendor one is in the bottom right)


I should get a pic of it specifically with our new camera but here it is off to the side again


Yellow mouth, pink\lavender bumps, background is a light blue to green to purple depending on how you look at it.

Its under 12g aquapod lighting which are PC lights...

If it makes babies im tempted to put one in my 55g tank im working on setting up with t5 lighting to see the difference
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8583767#post8583767 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chrisstie
The white balance is a little off in this one but lets see how it comes out (the lavendor one is in the bottom right)


I should get a pic of it specifically with our new camera but here it is off to the side again


Yellow mouth, pink\lavender bumps, background is a light blue to green to purple depending on how you look at it.

Its under 12g aquapod lighting which are PC lights...

If it makes babies im tempted to put one in my 55g tank im working on setting up with t5 lighting to see the difference
All three are awesome. I love rics. A year ago I didn't have any and couldn't see what all the fiss was. Life was simpler then.
The purple looking one down in the right corner, is that a yuma? Can you get a close-up of it?
Thanks for the compliments- i don't mean to steal this thread! But I have a final im studying for.. if i'm not a total wreck after it I'll see about using the new camera to get a close up of just that one.

It was one of those gambles at the LFS - it hadn't colored up all the way from transport and what not and it was on sale .. I couldn't pass it up!
Here's about as close up as I can get as I'm no photographer yet! I have the camera just not the.. know-how yet to get those superb macro shots (page 8 of the insane rics thread has me drooling with how close those macros get!)

I think this should be a rainbow but I really, really don't know


Here's a bonus shot of the orange next to it (Im working on moving that green back to the putty area, but he's healing having been ousted from his branch

Cool thing is there's one facing straight up on top of the rock behind him so he split, but when I was moving rockwork this one detatched so i placed him where he is now
Whatever color morph it is, it's very nice looking. Hopefully it'll keep on coloring up.

Seeings how you took some pics, I'm guessing the exam went well? =P
I wont know until I get my final grades but I hope so. I'm just happy its done and overwith! Exam week is Dec 4-9 but I have a prof who is never in town so he decided he couldn't be bothered by us having exams while he's out of town so scheduled it early ugh!
I'll trade you? lol instead of inclass final exams I have a paper on "Human-Computer Interactions with Sentient Artefacts in Ubiquitous Computing Environments," or something like that. Still working on the title. And a killer take home exam on decision science junk (I wrote 19 pages single-spaced on my last take-home test in that class). Grad school sucks.
I'm undergrad in computer engineering.. blah! sounds fun lets trade! I'll be sure to somehow include a reference to the sighing doors in the Hitchhiker's Guide as a computation in the paper :)