Latin Lovers


Does anyone know where you can get Latin Lovers and what do they cost? I know they might be fairly new. Thanks
There is supposedly a guy around here who might be selling them for 15-20pp, I need to get some pics from him to confirm they are what they should be. Will try to post here when I get them.
I have a 2p frag reserved for me for $30 right now. This is through a local reef facebook group, so I am not sure if he would ship them or not but his list could easily make me go bankrupt....PM me if you want his facebook name, again I dont know if he is willing to ship....this is the list...
Sponge bobs...
Red hornets
Bob marleys
Various Hawaiian PE
Hawiian PE
blue space monsters
orange bam bams
SC red devils
Caribbean blues
Eagle eyes
Yellow skirted eagle eyes
Blow pops
crown royals
fire and ice
tinker bells
god of wars
pink panthers
latin lovers
monkey kings
terminal velocities

I need to get rich quick....and a much bigger tank.
So I went to the guys place last night and got a few frags. Got the Latin Lover, 1p with a baby forming for 20. Got 2p Carribean blue for 5(completely blue center with bright green fringe) and got a frag of 7-8 TINY bob marleys for 10, the color on thr markeys looks great but they are tiny so we will see how they do, the color on the Latin is actually kind of dull but I have seen the mother colony it came from and believe it will color up nicely. The carribeans just looked nice =)

Will get pics by this weekend after they have had time to adjust to my tank and color up a bit. I think I now have over 20 different zoas and the tank is full, time to cut back spending for a while.