

New member
Hey guys,
last time I was up at TPP I almost bought a lawnmower blenny, but on the recomendations sticker they said that you should have a 40g tank....
my hair algea situation it creeping back and I paln on buying some more soldiers at the sale.....

question is- 1) have you guys had good experiences with lawnmowers 2) any tank recommendations? or 3) would you just say get more crabs/snails??

I got a dwarf sea hare from Dr Mac's, loved the stuff. It was only about 3/4" long, but peeled right through it. All was well until my light fell in the tank.
Ive had the LM blennies before. yes they eat some algea, but not enough to make a difference. mine always sat on the algea and waited for the frozen mysis and brine shrimp to drop in. then brushed their teeth with a little algea nibble. but they are fun to watch rock hopping around the tank wiggling their mustachio.

Ive heard coweries are great algea eaters, but they knock everything over and keep on going. not sure if they munch any corals too. OOPS , no strike that. coweries eat a lot of other livestock, anemones, corals . just looked it up . check here for anything else.
Hi Ken-- Ive heard of similar results from others as well... some people on RC claim that they eat algea voracously, but everyone ive known who has had one said not so much.....

Think ill pass on the lawnmower... guess ill be buying some more crabs at TPPs sale....

The algea war continues.... things were getting alot better, so I took out the RowaPhos and majority of the charcoal.... clumps are coming back quickly though.... Gaa!

Ive heard the long spiney ones are the best... i have a redish one in there right now... looks like he prefers to eat corraline algea :( ..... guess i will be buying some more rowa phos and crabs at TTP sale...
The lawnmower blenny is one of the few I haven't tried, but I have had very good success with hair algae issues with Lettuce Nudibranchs available at TPP for around $5.00 each. I use two in my 125 and they keep it under control. They are also very pretty once they get in your tank with a good food supply.
Ill have to look into one of those... my only concern there is that I have heard they can get into overflows and cause flooding by blocking the U tube.....any thoughts? is the only thing they need to eat algeas?? Thanks
iv had our LMB for over 2 years, its the first fish we got.. he is pushing 4 inches long and is a real trip to watcy... like said above he doesnt eat a whole lot of algae

From what iv read those sea hares do a great job on algae but will end up starving to deather once the algae is gone unless you suppliment his diet with some lettuce or something