Learned my lesson the hard way!


New member
I have been on this forum for awhile now. I have read alot from people saying you need a quarantine tank and to quarantine any new arrivals before putting them in the main display tank. I figured I did not have the room for the extra tank and I would just be careful where I buy my fish. The tank was doing great I had my pair of ORA Black Ice Clowns, Sleeper Goby, pair of Fire Shrimp and misc. snails and hermits. I had my water always tested and it was always on target. I bought a golden head goby from a well known big box store here in the Tampa area. I put him in and within 2 days he was dead. Two days later my perfectly healthy sleeper goby was dead. Two days later I noticed my female clown was hanging around the bottom of the tank and really laboring to breath. I called Rob down at Discovery Aquatics and he said to bring both clown down to him immediatly and he would put them in his quarantine tank. Now both of my clowns are fighting for their lives:headwalls:.

PLEASE, learn from my mistake and listen to the folks on this forum and get a quarantine tank.
Sorry for your lose. It seems we humans need to experience something before we "get it"
All your future inhabitants will benefit from your lesson learned from this. :)
I made the same mistake with a previous tank. Don't beat yourself up to bad about it. I now only buy my fish from a reputable LFS and always quarantine.
This literally just happened to me with a pair mocha clowns, they were in the tank for about 2 weeks when they came down with either brooklynella or ich. Luckily they were the only fish in the tank.
I stopped and checked on my clowns today and the female is looking better. She is up at the top of the tank swimming like normal. The male has a mucus over both eyes and is just lying on his side at the top of the tank. Adam said they are going to keep an eye on them for about 1 more week and that the male should be OK.
Well, got bad news from the weekend. The female clown lost her battle and died. The male is still hanging in there.