Leather coral not opening


New member
I have a small piece of leather that has been doing great in my tank as well as several other varieties of coral none of the other corals seem to be having any issues. My water parameters are all fine trates/trites 0, ph 8.2 ammonia 0 water temp 78. It's closed before but usually only when one of the hermits decide to crawl all over it. Just odd that it's not opening at all now.

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I can't tell from the photo what you have.
is it the one on the second photo? (toadstool). If it is then it's normal for it to close up a few days and once it shedded off the layer, it should open up again.
I can't tell from the photo what you have.
is it the one on the second photo? (toadstool). If it is then it's normal for it to close up a few days and once it shedded off the layer, it should open up again.

Thanks, I will try to relax and give it a few days and see what happened.

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I can't tell from the photo what you have.
is it the one on the second photo? (toadstool). If it is then it's normal for it to close up a few days and once it shedded off the layer, it should open up again.

What he said

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