Length of mag 12 impeller?


Active member
Hi I'm pretty sure I have a mag 12 pump and I need a new impeller. Can you tell me the length of the impeller for a mag 12 so I can make sure I don't accidentally have a mag 9.

Unfortunately the label rubbed off and I can't remember thanks

The magnet part of mine measures just under 7 cm and the plastic part measures about 17 mm

Thanks for any and all help

I'm passing this along to the shop for a measurement. I'll let you know what I find out!
Well... all of our dry goods are packed for the move, but we took a couple of pumps in use, and there's a noticeable difference in size EXTERNALLY.

External dimensions are:

9.5: 5 x 3 x 5.5"

12: 6.4 x 4.5 x 4.6"

You should be able to use that to determine your model!
Well thanks, I have the version one. I figured it was time to retire the old Mag 12 and went ahead and purchased a new one from you guys. thanks for staying on it.
