Length vs width...


Active member
I currently have a 72x30x30 280gal i have a chance to get a 96x24x30 300 gal tank for very good price.. My question is which size would you rather have i do love the width but length is also nice for fish.
I think this whole thing about fish enjoying length is just because most tanks don't have any width and rock occupies the entire backside...so, of course, the length becomes pretty important!

I think the best dimensions for the fish would be a square....as large as possible.

Having said that, I don't think that 6" width is worth the trade off of 2 feet of extra length. In other words, 24"W or 30"W...neither is wide enough so you might as well take the 96"L.
i more in favor of the length too but love the way the tank looks with the width future tank will be in 36-48 range down the road