Let's see your Joker polyps!!!


New member
Ok everyone heres the deal.....if you have any Joker zoas/palys post up a picture of them here. It doesn't matter if it's a giant colony or a small little frag..post up the picture of them. Along with the picture add any related info on your tank set up i.e. how long you have had them, tank temp, what you have for lights, flow etc. I just want to see how different one named polyp can look in different tanks. As for me I'll try to get a picture on mine. I did just frag them over the weekend and they are pretty PO at me right now.
Excuse the dirty glass. This picture was taken about a day after I bought it so its not fully colored up yet.

Thanks firsttank. You know I’ll look a little closer when the lights come on today but I don’t think the mouth was that pronounced. But still if the mouth is colored…… well……that’s another story. They maybe ppe’s which would still be cool as I do like and wanted them as well. Sorry Crazyzoa I’ll let this drop I don't want to hijack the thread. Maybe I’ll post in the id forum.