Lettuce Slug

I just read that the lettuce slugs do not eat hair algae, but other sea slugs do. Which sea slugs will eat hair algae?
I have two in my tank and mine eat hair algae.Be careful, they get into power heads and overflows. They will also starve without hair algea.
You will find that some will eat bryopsis and some will not go within inches of the stuff. It's really a hit-or-miss thing with them.
I have a little bit. I dont need them to cure anything, but it would be nice if they could maintain. Would they do better job then snails?
They might do a better job but the big "iffy" thing is the whole powerhead issue. I plan on getting one for my 20 gallon to help with a bryposis problem.
I have a zoa rock about 2"by 6" that had hair algae. I would pull it off but it always came back, I could not take it out and scrub it because of the zoas. I put one on it and it ate everything in a week and still goes back when it starts to grow again.
Ok, I guess I will get one or two. I guess I will just have to watch it around the powerheads. Will crabs mess with them?