LF: advice on plumbing my 400g


i've been a long time reader.. but don't post much..
been working on a 400g in my basement for the longest time.
I now have all i think i need to setup the plumbing.
but i'm having second thought on how to devide the flow properly.
I will be using a Dart for the recirculation pump and a OM-4-way.


i'm thinking of plumbing it like this:
4 & 6 at the same time ( 4-way )
7 & 8 at the same time ( 4-way )
5 alone ( 4-way )
9 alone (4-way )
10 goes to sump
11 goes to skimmer
2 & 3 for my sump return ( i'm still thinking mag9 or maybe mag12 or similar.. )
1 unknown for now.. could be feeder.. could be probes.. could be power cords..etc

Would you do it differently ? explain how and why plz
to add to this..
here is my current wish list :

1 yellow tang
1 hippo tang
1 powderblue tang
1 atlantic tang
1 purple tang
1 chocolate tang
a small group of anthias.. like ~7
a small group of chromis like ~7
1 copperband
1 pair of clowns... a nice cross breed like those dark reds false percs.
the usual cleaner gobies and a lawnmower blenny.

as for corals..a variaty of hard corals for the top of the tank.. and softies on the bottom.. i love shrooms and toadstools.
anybody has any different ideas on the recirculation plumbing ?
( changing the sequence of water flow in the 4-way )
lets hear it :)