LF reef keeper net module

Hey, there is a guy on the national selling board that had a NET module, it was listed as (On Hold). that was 12/18 he may still have it, worth a shot the guys screen name was SomeDude12. He had a ton of RK stuff.
Alright! Hope you get it! Ive been looking for an SL2 and salinity probe so whenever I saw reefkeeper stuff I'd keep an eye out for the NET.
It is being shipped today....thanks again irishtang. I will look out for an sl2 and salinity probe for you
It is being shipped today....thanks again irishtang. I will look out for an sl2 and salinity probe for you

MAKE SURE you get SL2v2 and not SL2 v1. I made the mistake and bought a version 1. I got lucky and DA swapped since it was new, but the swap-a-roo program is long over.