LFS in Naples?


Wrasse aficionado
Im driving over to Naples tomorrow and wanted to see some LFS in the area. Does anyone know of any good ones that are worth a visit?
Yea, there was a great one. Lemme go find it really quick.

Saltwater Solutions Aquarium


I still have the guy's card at home. He was really cool, had some great livestock in great health, with really fair prices on everything. I think big crocea clams were like $35-$50 or so (wwaaaay cheaper than over here), I bought some anthias there, and a few other fish when I was there a while ago. Also my bright orange plate coral (fungia) for a good price too.
It would be a great trip for you to save up and drive to dade/broward. Its a long day trip and we have great stores.
Oh I guess the guy moved, because the link I posted is where I went to his shop, less than a year ago. Oh well.

The other two stores were good as well, the one down south by the airport had a SICK SPS display tank.
Saltwater Solutions is now on Bonita Beach Road, west of I-75. If you go that far north from Naples, might as well hit Artistik Aquariums too. They are about 5 minutes away on US 41, north of Bonita Beach Road.

The store by the airport is Fish Central. He commited to donating some frags for our Open house. I love his orange cap. It has neon green splotches in it! Not polyps, pea size green spots in an orange cap!!!!!!!! Not a lot, but enough to make it cool. I hope that is one of the frags he donates!