Light Acclimating for Corals


New member
I'm sort of new with corals, but are you supposed to 'acclimate' new lights to your tank? Today I upgraded to T5 from my old PC lighting and I just set it up and turned it on. Should I not have done that? Are my corals at risk?
Yes, an upgrade of this type should be gradual, t5's are way stronger lights than pc's, some corals may love this and some may not, your best bet is to lower the photoperiod to 3 to 5 hours a day and gradually increase it until back to normal, I say about two weeks for this whole process should be fine.
Ditto to what Roger said.

I learned that lesson the hard way.
The softies didn't mind, but I bleached almost an entire frag tank of sps when I first converted to T5 from VHO.
Have the bleached frags recovered yet or did they die? If they recovered, what did you do?
Most died.
When I say "bleached" I mean within three days the flesh started peeling off them like a Canadian in a thong after a week at the beach.
I quickly moved them back to the VHO tank, but the damage was already done.
A few of them survived with 10%-20% of their flesh still on their bones and are happy and doing well now under the VHOs.
Eventually I'll be moving them back to one of the T5 tanks, but next time with proper acclimation.