Light acclimation


New member
I picked up some LR loaded with various mushrooms, among other things. Lighting for the tank is a 250W 20K HQI, 24" deep. The ones in shadows / darker areas of the tank are doing great, but the ones in direct light are shriveled. Question is, will they acclimate, or is this just too much light for these animals? It's been about a week. Chuck
my mushrooms are on the coral sand, my tank is 24" deep and they are thriving and growing rapidly, i have t5s blue and cool white, keep them low as poss, they do not like too much light and keep the flow moderate and not too high
You should move them back into the shadows, for a while to recover from the light shock. You should eventually be able to move them back into the direct light, a little at a time.
I have many different types of mushrooms all over my tank and they thrive in the direct mh light.
Under HQI mh I wouldn't try and move them too close to the top.