Light for fuge.


New member
I grabbed a relector from home depot and a 250 heat lamp..... Can i use this over my fuge? Or should i go with something else and the reflector.. the reflector can handle up to a 300 watt heat lamp..

Im not worried about the added heat, the tank is only running at 76 degrees.
Dont know what you mean about a heat lamp. Is it one of those internal reflector spot lamps? I wouldnt use that...whats the Kelvin on it?

I used a 5300K spiral fourescent bulb with internal reflector. Worked nicely.

Best growth I ever had was with 6500K PCs. And now I am getting phenomenal growth in my nanocube from white LEDs.
No, you don't want the heat lamp. thats more infrared and will heat the water a lot. not much light. try a spiral 5000K - 6500K from HD. or wally wurld. like the 100 watt equivalent. only 27 watts to run. should be ok if you have a small, shallow fuge.
I use one of those clip on reflectors that you just screw a spiral compact flourecent bulb into or a regular light bulb.... I also see alot of people getting the "lights of america" brand fixtures that are used as outdoor flood lights. they come with a 6500K big bulb, just need to wire it up and youre ready to go.... never needed to upgrade myself yet though...
i just bought a bulb that look exactly like the pictures above.. its a curly bulb in a big reflector bulb.. its 75watts, but only uses 18 watts of light... I dont know the par on it but it says its 950 lumens... will this work?
try it and see. a PAR light will concentrate the light. you don't need the saucer aluminum reflector with them. it will certainly grow macro. if its enough watts? that depends again on the size and depth of your fuge and type of macro.

what are you using for a fuge? size? full flow thru or partial flow from the overflow? I think a full flow fuge , inline with the circ system is best. all nutrients have to pass the gaunlet of macro.

uhhh? what picture above???
sorry have 2 threads going lol

the fuge is a 100 gallon rubber maid tub... filled up about half way or up to the 2nd line i guess... the flow through there right now is kinda slow because the water is being pulled from my sump and i have all the water returning the sump to make up for the water being pulled out... I do have the return line T'ed off and it is pushing some water through the fuge.

Im using a bulk head in the sump and a bulk head in the fuge with a 3/4" hose connecting them acting as a tank level... so there is only enough water going through the sump fast enough to keep up with the water going through the bulk heads and entering the sump keeping the water level..

ugh there has to be a better way lol
sounds like it's not enough flow thru the fuge. the idea is: the greenies get first shot at eating the wasties and nitrates. so a full flow thru is best. you just have to figure out how to configure it in your space, and keep the flow from being too fast in the fuge itself/ although good mixing increases the absorbtion. then you let the water move to the skimmer compartment to complete the job before the water returns to the tank.

if you are using a 100 g rubber maid as the fuge, you will need a lot more light. like a MH or a couple 65 Watt PCs. you need enough light to make it like a planted aquarium to grow the macro. perhaps with a DSB in the tub and some rock for themacro to grow on suspended above the sand on eggcrate. thatwill leave the sand fully exposed to the water column.