lighting 10 k and 20k combined???


New member
I already have a 10k 400watt single bulb with vhos 2 blue 2 white but when the halide is on i dont like the yellow color i get. I have heard 400 watt 10 k is best for growing but can i mix a 20k at the same time and get better color. My tank is only 125 gallons so i dont have tons of room for lights thanks for any help
ive seen people use different color bulbs on different sides of the tank and i personaly havnt liked it much. why dont you go with a 12-15000K? that owuld be more blue. or even change bulbs. as the halides get older, they will become more yellow. and the color, even though they have the same kelvin rating, can vary from bulb to bulb. what brand of bulb are you using and how old is it?
changing some of the VHOs to actincis will also help.
do you just have 1 400 watt halide over the tank?