Lighting Ai Prime photperiod


New member
I have a 25 gallon BC and I have an ai prime 16 hd. I have a lot of zoas and other softies I also have a couple lps. I have it right now very long but everything seems ok with it. I heard that zoas close up when they have enough of an photoperiod and sense they aren’t closing up early would I have to shorten the time. I have them this long because I want to see them early before school and a little before I go to bed. This is a modified saxby schedual. If it were to make enough of a difference to the coral growth I could just sacrifice my morning and enjoy it more at night.
That is almost a 15 hr photo period?

Longer photo period less intensity. Shorter photo period higher intensity.

I prefer a 10 hour on myself. 12 hours max. Daylight hours at the equator is 12 hours constant were most reefs are. So to be safe that is what I choose not go over 12 hours in a 24 hour period. It does vary some as you go north or south of the equator in the tropical belt seasonally.

Photoinhibition can be a issue. It can be a issue with shorter photoperiods too if given to much light.

The thing is animals require night period, I have read corals do to. How much that is I am sure, I doubt there is much info out there.
If anyone knows if there is any info out there I certainly would be interested in reading it.

If your corals and fish are happy and doing fine that is what matters. I mean you should be able to tell by observing the corals. Start seeing a issue dial it back.
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