lighting anf flow question

ok so i have a 15 gallon reef wall set up. I want to do sps mainly like slimers and montis. The tank has been set u about 3 weeks now but the wall itself has only been up for a week. fish will include a pair of either true percs or occelaris clowns and a pair of pearly jaws. filtration currently is a small aquaclear (im unsure of size) but after i can find a replacement impellar i will make my aquaclear 300 my primary means of keeping the water clean. i will modify it to include a refugium with cheato. lighting is problem however. i have a 2x65 watt coralife fixture i jsut obught to use over it. a 10k and actinc 03 bulb are being used. will this be enough light for th tank to sustain some sps. i will have zoos, leathers, blastos, acans, and a few pieces of tourch from my large tank. water flow is going to be a seio 620 running every other hour for an hour. (i have it on a timer and nothing is wrong). it has been like that for 6 months and no shaft breaking. live sand is my substrate. ny help would be grealy taken. and lights are on for 10 hours total
u need constant flow, not every other hour.. and u should add another seio in there to collide with the other seios flow to make more random current.. dont use a powerfilter, for filtration all u need is a decent amount of liverock (id say 30lbs for u) and a good skimmer.. i also think u need more light, at least another coralife fixture
130 watts over a 15 isnt enough? ugh
the 2 monti caps i have are looking just they were when i got them (they were under halides then). I will have 2 seios when im done as i jsut ordered another. the reason for the powerfilter is that i want a fuge and with my rock wall (egg crate covered in permently placed rocks that is then siliconed and wire tied to the tank to create a unique looking reef). i was planning on having the sps in the middle to top part of the tank and the rest of those corals i mentioned in the lower portion.