Lighting for 90 gal.

itz frank

Gives Bad Advice.
Need lights for my new 90 gal. Tank is 24" deep so i'm hoping to get some inexpensive HDs but i doubt it. Any DIY info would be appreciated too.
First, decide if you want MH, T5, VHO, PC, etc. Lots of options out there, and $$ can vary quite a bit.
Well since the tank is deep I'd like to go with Metal halides that will penetrate deeper then PCs. Maybe a mix of the two. I'd like to spend $300 for lighting but i can get soemthing better used for the same price i'll jump at it. I'm looking for someone who possibly has something for sale in the area or club.
I've been hearing alot of good things about T-5's. I currently have pc's on my nano and will definitely do T-5's when I get a larger tank. The benefits, in my case, would be less heat, lower power consumption, and bulbs that are relatively inexpensive compared to metal halides. If these are factors to you, then you should check them out.
I bought t5's for my 75, but I have not installed them yet, I am hoping to do it tonight, I will post some pics of before and after
for a 90 id recommend overdrivng the bulbs because of the depth. youll get good par from t5s up until about 20" or so. id either do a 6x54 watt t5 setup, or 2 - 250 watt mh, with optional supplemental actinics.

with those lights, youd be able to keep anything youd like in the tank.
Well, i like what i see on but the problem is that all the kits sold there aren't retrofit. This has to be able to be mounted in a canopy.