lighting for ric yuma?


New member
im from quebec canada, and i want to start a nano 12g just for some ric. i want to no wath is the best lighting for riccordea and yuma to make them ghrow, .
they will do just fine under the lights the nano comes is my buddies nano for ricordia.

That's a nice little ricordia tank there! Tell Your buddy he did good. :thumbsup: Ricordia makes everything look better.
SO, i can keep nice yuma and colored ric under 54 watts of power compact light 1x 27 watts of 50/50 daylight 6500k/10000k and 1x 27 watts of 50/50 actinic 420/460? because i just buy a ricodea flash orange and is under a 65 watts 50/50 daylight / actinc power compact and he do not want to take expansion! :mad:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8267090#post8267090 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by freezb
SO, i can keep nice yuma and colored ric under 54 watts of power compact light 1x 27 watts of 50/50 daylight 6500k/10000k and 1x 27 watts of 50/50 actinic 420/460? because i just buy a ricodea flash orange and is under a 65 watts 50/50 daylight / actinc power compact and he do not want to take expansion! :mad:

What are your water parameters like? The lighting isn't the problem.
How long have you had your tank, is that your first coral?
no its the tank of a friend i will start mine in two week , i just want to be sure of the lighting i need for nice ric, and the mush we buy, is in perfect water condition, the person who have it have metal halide and we put it under power compact.
If you're referring to the JBJ Nano Cube, I had ricordia in the original 12 gallon cube and a 24 gallon cube. It did great in both systems with the stock lighting that comes with the tank. I placed one quarter-sized frag in the tank and had dozens within 6 months.

As for expansion, I'm not sure if you're referring to the recording splitting or opening up... if it was originally under MH lighting, it may take it a week or two to adjust the the lower lighting. I've moved my rics between three different tanks. In each case, the lighting was slightly different and they took time to settle in and get comfortable.

In addition, make sure it's in an area with low to moderate water flow. If it's getting blasted directly by a powerhead, it probably won't do well.
Then what about ric florida? I have both orange and blue rics; all florida. Some people say that intensive lighting can bring up their color. However, when I put mine under MH (175W, light 6" above water, ric 18" below), but the orange ones didn't color up at all and the light blue color in the middle of their disks are actually becoming lighter. I moved them to PC for now and don't know what they really like. --Thanks.