lighting for yellow jackets


New member
how much light do you keep yours under to get the nice yellow splotches around the center. i have mine in the frag tank under 8 t5s and they have splotches, but they are kinda pale. here is a pic. the bottom of the frag tank gets around 400-450 PAR. frag rack is around 500-550
Here are a few of my yellow jackets

Here are a few of my yellow jackets

Just to help know what they look like, here are a few of my yellow jackets.
Mine came from Whodah.


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yeah, i guess they are not YJ. i was looking at the second pic in zoaid and the speckles and such looked really similar. i thought the yellow parts around the middle came as they got older. i bought them a while back, before the super high price tag on them, so i didnt pay 50-100 per polyp, luckily