Lighting question


New member
Is there any mushrooms that do not need a lot of light.
I do not have really food lighst on my tank yet ( but I will have eventually)
So i was just wondering if there is anything ( mushrooms or other wise) that do not need large amounts of light.

I have a 92 gal bow front corner tank. Standard light fixture but with up graded bulbs. That is all the farther i have made it to any upgrades.
I do have a sort of leather looking coral on the very top of the rock that grew from a piece of live rock I had bought. That seem to be doing fairly well ( noticable growth)

I can honestly say I do not have a small fortune to spend on lights. I spend way to much on my dart frogs. And the whole light thing is very confusing to me. Maybe one day I will understand it all but today is not that day.
Any suggestions.

Oh the tank is stock with about 100 lbs of LR, one yellow tang, one watchman goby, a pair of perculas and 3 green chromis.
Various crabs and snails, decorator crab, arrow crab, sally lightfoot, emerald crab. 3 camel shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp, amd 2 cleaner shrimp.
Re: Lighting question

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11040790#post11040790 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by porkchop48
I have a 92 gal bow front corner tank. Standard light fixture but with up graded bulbs.
Are you saying it is a single fluorescent bulb? 40 watts? I'm unclear about what you mean. And what is upgraded about your bulbs?
I guess i should have phrase that better. yes flourscent tubes like you buy at the pet store. a 20,000K i do believe and an actinic. One is 30 watts and the other is also 30 watts.
SO a big wapping grand total of 60 watts.
Discoma mushrooms might do ok... it depends on the mushrooms. If the leather is doing fine though I would say go for it if you can find some from a local reefer. Most areas have some sort of shroom that is pretty abundant that you can get for like 1$ a polyp.