lighting ?


New member
i have 3x175w retro with spider reflectors and one 6 foot 160w vho and i dont have a reflector on it yet but i plan on getting one. what type of corals can i keep with this, i can also add another 6 foot 160w vho but not sure yet. if i do add it that would be 845 total watts
You don't need a reflector for VHOs, just buy UV/URI brand bulbs next time, as they've got built in reflectors.

You should really just use the VHOs for coloring the tank (use SuperActinic bulbs for each VHO, buy them at CoralReefFarm, good prices :) )

Use the halides for the lighting support. The only issue though is how deep is the 150? If I remember correctly, the 150 is like 29" deep (kind of a weird almost custom dimension) but if that is the case, with 175w bulbs, you'll only be able to keep SPS and most clams in the top 1/2 of the tank, with the lower 1/2 reserved for softies, zooanthids, most LPS, etc. For a tank of deeper than 18", you usually want to go with 250w halides, until you go more than 24", then you want to get 400w halides GENERALLY speaking of course.... I'm sure anything can be done with any combination of lighting.

My suggestion would to be use high output bulbs for your halides (10k XM or something to that effect) and use the VHO for actinic supplementation (adding the blue color to the white of the 10k), that way you get more light deeper in the tank.

Anyway, hope that helps :)
thats some good info...thanks to both of you ..wheres the cheapest place to find these bulbs online probably ebay or the used forum if you guys see any good deals let me know
IIRC the problem with the iwasakis, though they've got high PAR to them, they're incredibly expensive. I think XMs will be probably 1/2 the cost or so.
yes the iwasakis are exspesive - $80 each at hellolights, but they are nice and since you already have the ballasts, it might be something to seriously consider