

Premier World Traveler
I found a dual 400W MH system for sale.
I was planning to add a 250W to my current 175W MH + 180W 36" VHOs on my new tank (90) and upgrade the 175W later but I came across this deal. I want a lot of SPS and maybe a couple clams (I have a gigas under the 175W). Anyone with ideas for this much light? I do know I'll have to deal with the heat issues. I was thinking an enclosed setup with 1 in and 1 out fan(s) or maybe 2 in?

800W MH + 210W 48" VHOs

I'd probably run the VHOs at morning and night 1 - 400 morning, both at mid day, and the other in the evening if I did this.


TIA, Tim

If it's a good deal, there's no reason why not. That said, you don't need 400 watters, and should easily be fine with 250s or (with good husbandry) lower. IME, the primary difference in the long run will be price (corals only grow so fast, and more light will not make them grow faster).