I've had a torch coral host clowns, but the clowns I have now ignore my torch. Torch corals are a pretty good beginner coral (along with frogspawn and hammer corals). They branch out and to frag them you just cut the branch off below the live head. You have to maintain calcium for them to build the branches, but regular water changes should cover that. Every coral is fragged differently. Some corals like zoas, palys, mushrooms will just naturally spread. You just put some rock rubble against the colony and wait for them to grow. SPS you just cut off a piece and super glue it to a plug or rock. Leathers you just cut a piece and mount it to a rock using a rubber band or a tooth pick. Acans and brain corals are usually cut into pieces with a tile saw.
Non SPS corals are all pretty easy to maintain as long as you keep up with maintenance, have good lighting and proper flow. Some corals like high light and high flow, others do better with lower light and light flow. Figure out what you want then do some research and ask questions. Don't go into the LFS and just get something without knowing it's needs. And don't count on your LFS to tell you the truth.