Local BTA or LTA...


DVM in training
I am looking to get an anemone for the 10g i am upgrading to, already running out of space in the 5.5 and the only way to fix that is to upgrade or frag my torch and since i now have 2 clowns i figure the upgrade is a better idea... the 10g has cycled for almost 6 weeks, levels down to almost unreadable except for nitrate that was through the roof but i just did my first water change and will re-test tomorrow...and before anyone asks the only reason i dont get a 30 or 40 breeder or something to use instead is because im limited to 10gallons here in the residence halls at college AND i move at least once a year so its easier to move... i will probably setup the 5.5 as a fuge with a HOB overflow i am buying

anyway.. im looking for a purple LTA or if i cant find one a RBTA... does anyone in the area have a clone i can get for cheap or free? the smaller the better really because my ocellaris (the bigger of the two) is only about 1.5" and not interested in hosting much of anything, my onyx is about 3/4" and rubs up on anything that looks good...

i have money as well as a peppermint and skunk cleaner id like to get rid of for the anemone,,, or if anyone really wants i can frag a head off of the torch...
hi, i dont have 1 for sale, but please do your homework before you buy one, they need pristine stable water quality to survive and are very sensitive to changes. most people reccomend a mininum of 6-12 months before you buy one.

lighting seems to be plenty however. anyhow good luck and hope you find one.
i gotcha,,, and i know the general rule of thumb but for nano's that is really a poorly designed rule and this is why: nanos in general have poor stability. owners like myself must keep on top of topping off with ro/di and weekly water changes regardless of the existence of an anemone because it takes no more than 2 or 3 days for water to evaporate and raise sg to like 1.030 as well as screw up the chemistry in the process... i am probably going to wait another 2 or 3 months before i move EVERYTHING over to the 10 gallon so until then the anemone could stay in my 5-6 month old 5.5 with the clowns, ill just have to do some re-arranging and move the corals out of the way...
Tell you what... forgo those anemones. They're light demanding and hard to keep in such a small setup. Gary's (Pet Supply Warehouse) has some really cool bright yellow "carnation" anemones. They look a little like sebaes, bright yellow, really short tentacles, bright red base, tiny purple tips. They like to bury their foot in the sand. Really reasonably priced, too. I got one about 2 months ago, and he's doing really well. So far he's about the size of a baseball.
where is that place? id be willing to take a look at them... light isnt an issue if you read my info, but ease of care is a concern for me... i also still want some of that bali, but havent made my way around by you yet ludwigia