Long Nose hawk fish


Active member
I was thinking of adding a sml one to my reef tank to help keep the tank free of parasites, but I dont want it at the expence of my shrimps and inverts. Any one have any exoeriencewith their compatibility?? The LFS said the shrimps should be ok, but everything I read says no shrimps, Idk if they mean sml ornamental shrimps, or the cleaners that I have. ty!!
I have heard the same, just wondering if any one has first hand experience. I also have a neon goby!
I have one in my tank and I have two cleaner shrimp, two camelbacks, two peppermint, and one fire shrimp, and two fire fish.
The camelbacks have never touched any corals and the hawk has never eaten a shrimp or attacked the fire fish. (My shrimp are almost as big as he is.) Get a small one if in doubt.
Get a small one if you really want it, but I would really lean towards the wrasses for taking out small critters like copepods, isopods, etc. Do not get it if you're trying to protect yourself from redbugs, AEFW, other flatworms, nudibranches, etc.

What are you trying to protect your tank from?
That's definitely true... plus cleaner shrimps are usually safe from them. This also includes the fire shrimp. Dunno about the camel shrimp, though
I have a flame hawk with my super large harlequin shirmp and have had no problems with them. I think if you get a small enough hawk then you should be fine.
What are you trying to protect your tank from?

I really dont have anything in my tank that Im worried about to my knowledge, but I know that they pick flat worms off corals and things of the sort, just incase they are latter accidentally introduced.
I think I will get a small one, I only have big cleaner shrimps so I'll give it a try!!

Thanks for all the first hand info, and if you have any more, I'll gladly take it.