Long stalk on Mushroom


New member
I have some new mushrooms and all my water parameters are good. I have one large light purple colored mushroom who has attached itself to a rock and is extending it's stalk about 2 inches. It is open to about a 2-3 inch diameter and looks great....but is such a long stalk a good thing? or does it need more light?
well i figure if it really hated the spot, it would have moved towards brighter light...it is the only mushroom doing it
wats that surprised comment supposed to mean?

I am always stating that shrooms and rics need more light than what everyone else is saying or what the "norm" for lighting is for shrooms.
Most shrooms will color up under very intense light and do much better.

The only exception to the rule are "wild" Yumas. They are tough/delicate no matter what you do.

I have most of my regular shrooms under 400 w MH lumenarc about 2 inches under the water surface and they look great. FL rics about the same, give or take on placement. I also have Yumas, acclimated, about 6 in under.

This as not some new thing either-they have been under these lighting conditions for many many months-with little acclimation coming from (2) 150 DE about half way down.

I am doing a new tank and I have a ton of stuff that has been in my QT tank since I took in an 18 inch clam for a buddy.
The QT is only under 250w DE Phoenix that is about 15 inches deep.
I am looking forward to getting them under the 400w 4-6 inches under the water and to see how they respond. I am sure it will be for the better.

I will more than likely start a new thread on the tank/stand build as well as the health of the re-acclimated corals.

It should be fun and I have shrooms, FL rics, Yumas, and zoos that will all be thrown into the middle of 400w.

I will also start a thread with my observations. I am just posting from my observations from a high and low light source experiences. good luck
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You haven't by chance read about shrooms in Eric Borneman's coral book have you? He tries to shed a little bit of light on shrooms and lighting. I strongly recommend him. I think its called Aquarium Corals
No I have not read his or that book. I have read many of his different articles on the net, as well as his forum on MD.

I will just keep experimenting myself-but so far I have great results with heavy, heavy feeding and uber light. I will be adding a couple hundred watts of VHO to my system in a week or two, to compliment the 400w.

I feed this mixed with chromaplex, DT's, and OJ

I do know that Eric is also a big fan of heavy feeding. I tried his recipe for a few months, but prefer this mixed with the above ingredients. good luck