Look what i made.


New member
well, this is my fist attempt at a sump/refuge. and well, i know it isnt the prettiest one around, it will do the job the same.

have a look



if you have any suggestions that you think will make it better, or an idea for the next one i attempt, feel free to share.
You probably don't need 2 sets of baffles, just one set before your return pump to keep bubbles out of the tank. I usually block the baffel in place, then put blue nasking tape about 3/8 in away. After the silicone drys, peel off the tape for nice clean lines. Not really necessary, but looks good.
Looks good. Also, more space between the baffles is better than less. This allows for slower flow through the baffle and more time for the bubbles to rise out the water.

11fishes: just measure your tank and have your local hardware store cut you some pieces of glass out. Use some silicone to glue them in place and your good to go.
I believe the Glass store probably cut them a tiny bit too long. So rather than put the edges on a bind, Just put them in on a small angle, and they should function exactly the same as perpendicular.
horkn- the baffles are glass

ereefic- exactly what dogstar74 said, the glass was a tad bit long, and i was to lazy to get it cut again, so, why not? angled baffles.
Actually, angled baffles will slow the flow just a bit versus straight. The CSA (cross-sectional area) is greater due to the increased length.