Looking for a 15g tall tank in SE PA

I'm trying to find a 15g tall tank for top off water in SE pa (Exton / West Chester / Lancaster area) and not having much luck. I managed to grab a 10g at the petco sale but I'm concerned that if I travel for 7 or 8 plus days in a row it won't be enough. I don't typically leave for more than 2 weeks at a time so I'm thinking 15 should work.

Anybody know a place that carries them ?
You know it's funny. I got a 15 gallon from petco and used it as a sump. Well anyway i tried to put a rubber mat under it to quiet the hum and CRACK...it was just under half full. So I said no problem i'll go and get another one...NOT! I couldn't find anything at all in 15 gallons. So I had to go the 20 high, which you stated gives you limited room/access. I don't think they make a 15 gallon "high". i wish i could help.
I use an old return pump and some flexible tubing due to not having clearance to pour the water in.
So after FINALLY finding the tank size list on TPP's web page (good god that thing is buried) it looks like a 16g tank would fit the needs perfectly. Same foot print but only 19" tall and would give me a balance of top off / if the controller goes apesh*t I won't crash the salinity. For now the 10 is working but I'll keep my eyes out the next trip to lancaster.