Looking for a 75-90 gallon tank


I am shutting down a 90 gallon tank in about a week. It's not reef ready but I can drill a hole or two in it for you if you want. It's an All Glass with black frame. I also have a homemade stand and canopy for it too and I'm trying to sell it all as one setup. The stand is homemade of nice 4x4s and 2x6s. You could put a dumptruck on it. I'll let you know when it's empty.

I also have those 15 gallon drilled tanks I told you about when I picked up the clownfish way back in the day. I still have fish in them though - I meant to take fish out of them months ago but just haven't gotten around to that either. I'm going to have 10 gallon drilled tanks too.

I'm setting up a 240 gallon reef right now - once that's set up I'll be able to empty the other tanks.

let me know about the 15 gal tanks and maybe stand/canopy if it has a good appearance to it, assuming it's 48x18..tyia
The stand/canopy is decent. The canopy has a t5 fixture in it (8 bulbs) and two fans. The stand has a large sump in it that is actually a double utility sink - you know those plastic laundry sinks. I haven't decided how much to ask yet. I'm going to have a ton of stuff to sell soon. Where do you live leebo_28?